Lance Charles Schroeder

About me: The Lance Charles Schroeder story.

Picture of me, Lance Ryan. 27 Year old white male with brown hair and a beard. Thick rimmed black rectangular glasses. Wearing a purple shirt.

As of right now I am still in the introductory weeks of my classes on becoming a developer. I am not sure which area interests me the most, but I cannot wait to learn more. I have already learned so much. I first gained an interest in coding when I made my own games in the games creation system video game Dreams on the playstation 4. Since then my desire to create even more than just games has been expanding. I am more than excited to see what the future holds and to see endless possibilities coding will lead me to.

My previous work:

My first web application:

Picture of my first web application. The web application is a study guide that I created while completing the prework for the bootcamp. It is a simple webpage with a blue header and footer. A small picture of a cat in a bowtie. And then a study guide going over what I had learned through the bootcamp.

My second web application:

Picture of my second web application that I worked on. A pciture of the horiseon application that I worked on.